Frequently Asked Questions
Student Transportation Governing Documents:
Q: How are transportation routes and bus stops determined?
A: The objective of the Transportation Department is to design a safe and efficient multi-tiered system to deliver over 10,000 students to and from school in a timely manner. Bus stops are generally placed at centralized locations that can be accessed by a significant number of students from surrounding homes.
The district uses transportation routing software as the basis of design for establishing routes and bus stops within parameters including time, distance, and seating capacity. The Transportation Staff then reviews the routes and bus stops and makes adjustments when necessary and appropriate.
Q: Why has my bus stop changed from the previous location?
A: The district establishes bus stops for each student within 1.0 mile from their home where possible. FRHSD buses will only travel on public roadways with ample space to maneuver without putting the vehicle in reverse.
In an ongoing effort to maintain a safe and efficient transportation system, multiple stops throughout developments have been consolidated in order to maximize seating capacity and minimize the student’s time on the bus. Please understand that the majority of bus stops will not be visible from the student’s home. We continue to encourage families to make the necessary arrangements to have their children escorted to the bus stop if there is a concern with the student walking to or waiting at the bus stop.
Q: Can I ask the bus driver to change the bus stop?
A: No. Drivers are only permitted to drop off students at the designated stops.
Q: Who should I contact if I have concerns about by child’s route or bus stop?
A: Parents may request a review of their child’s bus stop.
Q: Can a student have more than one pick-up or drop-off address?
A: No. District policy is to only transport to/from the primary address on the student’s record on file at the school.
Q: Will the bus leave the stop without my child if they are not waiting at the bus stop location?
A: Yes. The student must be waiting at the stop at least 10 minutes prior to the designated time, regardless of weather conditions.
Q: Can my student ride on a friend’s bus?
A: They must obtain a bus pass issued from the school’s main office. This must be presented to the bus driver. No exceptions will be made.
Q: What should I do if I left an item on the bus?
A: Any items left on the buses may be obtained from the driver the next day. Typically, items are not returned to the Transportation Office.
Q: I observed a bus traveling in an unsafe manner. Who do I contact?
A: Please call our Transportation Office at (732) 431-8368, or the contracting company immediately. Please take note of the bus #, exact location and the nature of the problem. A link to contractor’s telephone numbers will be available on our website.