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FRHSD Board of Education

The Board of Education

The men and women serving on our Board of Education are committed to excellence in education for the students of the Freehold Regional High School District. Our Board represents eight communities in western Monmouth County, New Jersey--over 200 square miles. The Freehold Regional High School District Board of Education consists of nine residents elected from each of our sending communities -- Colts Neck, Englishtown, Farmingdale, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Howell (two representatives are elected from Howell), Manalapan, and Marlboro. The Board members are ordinary citizens who are non-partisan. They receive no pay or benefits for their public service. 

The role of the school board and the superintendent

The school board has a dual role: to represent the concerns of the students, citizens, taxpayers, and parents to Freehold Regional administrators, and to represent the needs of the students and school district to the citizens, taxpayers, and parents of the regional community. The board does not operate the district on a day-to-day basis; that is the job of the superintendent. The school board sets the policies, goals, and objectives for the district. The superintendent is responsible for implementing the policies and achieving the goals.  

Addressing a resident’s concern

The Freehold Regional Board of Education provides a public comment period during every meeting, however, we recommend working with building/district administrators prior to the board meeting. In most circumstances, you can get answers to your questions simply by calling the appropriate person in the school district (i.e., principal, school board secretary, or superintendent). For instance, if a parent has a problem with a teacher, the parent should first address it with the teacher and, if the issue is not resolved, the parent should turn to the supervisor and then building administration. If there is still no resolution, the matter should then be brought to the superintendent. The school board should be the last resort.

Public comment protocol

The Freehold Regional Board of Education uses public comment as an opportunity to listen to resident concerns, but not to debate issues or enter into a question-and-answer session. Please be aware that not all issues brought to the board's attention at a meeting will be resolved that evening. The board may respond by seeking additional information/investigation from the superintendent or their designee. While public education can be an emotional issue, and understandably so, the board strives to maintain a certain level of decorum at its meetings. Meetings are recorded and televised, and students often attend or participate in meetings. As such, citizens are expected to maintain a tone of courtesy and civility.   

Executive Session

New Jersey's Open Public Meetings Act (also known as the Sunshine Law) specifies nine areas that are to be discussed in an "executive" or closed-door session. Topics discussed in Executive Sessions may include personnel issues, labor negotiations, legal matters, and other issues covered by applicable law. These matters may only be discussed in a closed session, but final voting action will be taken in a public session.

Board of Education Goals

  • Support the implementation of the FRHSD Strategic Plan, including initiatives focused on embracing individual student passions and personalized learning experiences.
  • Increase effective communication within the internal and external school community.
  • Establish and develop strong community partnerships to broaden our educational programs.

Board of Education Meeting Agendas

Beginning with the January 6, 2014 meeting, the Freehold Regional High School District has moved to an eGovernance paperless board meeting through BoardDocs. Please click to access the agenda

Board Members

  Mr. Peter Bruno
Howell Township
Term: 2024-2027
Mr. Michael Messinger
Vice President
Marlboro Township
Term: 2024-2026
Mr. Carl Accettola
Colts Neck Township
Term: 2024-2026


Mrs. Jamie Bruno
Manalapan Township
Term: 2024-2027
Ms. Joan Butcher-Farkas
Howell Township
Term: 2025
Ms. Diana Cappiello
Englishtown Borough
Term: 2023-2025 
Mrs. Elizabeth Higley
Freehold Township
Term: 2024-2026


Mrs. Kathie Lavin
Farmingdale Borough
Term: 2022-2025
Ms. Amanda McCobb
Freehold Borough
Term: 2025-2027

