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Student Parking Procedures

Registration of Vehicles (Cars, trucks, mopeds, etc.)  

  • All students who drive to school must register their vehicles with the main office/security office as appropriate.  
  • A parent/guardian must sign the Parking Registration Form, giving permission for the student to drive a car to school.

Display of Parking Permit Hangtag/Parking Permit Decal  

  • School issued hangtags must be displayed on the rear view mirror, with number facing outward; decals must be affixed to the rear, right window.  
  • Defacement, destruction, alteration, duplication, or loss of the hangtag/decal will result in the loss of parking privileges.  
  • Transferring a hangtag/decal to another student or to a family vehicle not noted on the parking registration application will result in the loss of parking privileges.  
  • A $20 fee will be charged for replacement of a lost hangtag/decal.

Driving/Parking Responsibilities and Regulations  

  • All New Jersey motor vehicle laws apply on school grounds.  
  • Student vehicles must be parked in their assigned spot in the student parking lot.  
  • Although each parking space is assigned and shared by two students, only one hangtag will be issued per parking space as applicable. The district discourages students from driving to school with their parking space partner and urges all students to use the school bus on their off days. The administration is not responsible for disputes that may arise between students who share a parking space or for any changes in student situations during the course of the year.  
  • Students are not permitted to sit, loiter, or smoke in parked cars in the parking lot. Infractions will result in the loss of parking privileges.  
  • Students are not permitted to use their cars or to go to their cars during school hours without prior approval from a building administrator.  
  • Students must exercise extreme caution when driving on school grounds. Maximum speed is 10 mph.  
  • Students going to vocational school may not use their cars without the prior written approval of both the home principal and the vocational school principal.  
  • Keys to vehicles should be removed from the car after parking. Vehicles should be locked.  
  • Students who drive to school must maintain regular attendance. The district will not accept any transportation related excuses for being tardy to school. Excessive tardiness to school will not be tolerated and may result in the loss of parking privileges.  
  • Under emergency dismissal conditions, only the registered driver is permitted to leave school property in the vehicle.
  • The administration reserves the right to search a student's car when it is parked on campus based on reasonable grounds. The standard that shall guide the conduct of a school official in effecting a student/car search shall be that the school official must have reasonable grounds to believe that a student possesses evidence of illegal activity or activity that would interfere with school discipline and order before a reasonable search can be conducted. In the event that a search reveals that a student’s car contains any material or article in violation of Board of Education policy or violation of criminal law, the individuals responsible may be subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal charges. The superintendent and his staff establish rules/regulations for the administration of this policy. Such established rules and regulations, to the best extent possible are made known to all students within the school.

Disciplinary Consequences for Driving/Parking Violations  

Administration reserves the right to suspend or revoke parking privileges for repeated or serious disciplinary infractions. Juniors with excessive absences, lateness to school, or suspensions may forfeit the senior privilege of parking on campus.  

If a student’s parking permit is revoked for any reason, his/her car is not permitted on campus. Students must abide by all rules and regulations in the parking agreement or risk loss of driving privileges. Consequences for driving/parking infractions are outlined under the discipline section. The district reserves the right to change parking rules and regulations as necessary without notice. Underclassmen who park on school property will be asked to remove their cars from the property.

The district assumes no responsibility for any damage to or theft of cars parked in school parking areas.