School Services
- Child Study Team
- Emergency Contact Cards
- Guidance Services
- Health Office Guidelines
- Health Services Provided by the Schools
- Health Services Not Provided by the Schools
- Medications
- Scholarships
- Suicide Prevention
- Working Papers
Child Study Team
Child study teams consist of a school social worker, a learning disabilities consultant, and a school psychologist. The child study team identifies and works with students who have been determined to have a learning disability. Students may request to meet individually with a child study team member to talk or attain information for assistance outside the school setting.
Identification of an Educational Disability
If an educational disability is suspected, the parent(s)/guardian(s) should discuss their specific concerns with their child’s guidance counselor and with each of their child’s teachers. The guidance counselor can advise the parent on how to proceed with a referral to the child study team for evaluation after all other appropriate interventions have been implemented.
Emergency Contact Cards
Guidance Services
The district has a tradition of maintaining strong guidance and counseling services, which provide students in grades 9-12 with sequential developmental programs with emphasis given to the academic, career, and personal needs of the individual student. The guidance office offers many services to students and their parents:
A. Guidance offers services to individuals and offers group counseling for personal, educational, career, and school planning.
B. Guidance provides access to information sessions on career and educational opportunities and interpretation of test results.
C. Guidance offers services for college/career placement.
D. Guidance offers testing resources, ability and achievement tests, and interest surveys.
E. Guidance offers referrals to social, mental health, and employment agencies.
F. Guidance may offer coordination of parent-teacher conferences.
G. Guidance offers services for coordination of school records, grades, test results, and activities.
Procedure for Scheduling a Guidance Appointment
A student who wishes to schedule an appointment with a counselor should obtain a guidance services pass from the guidance office. The student will receive an appointment pass from his/her guidance counselor. Students must show this pass to the teacher whose class it affects prior to the appointment to seek and receive permission to miss the class.
Students are expected to sign in and out of the guidance office indicating the time. Students are not permitted to sit in the guidance office waiting for a counselor (missing class) without an appointment, such behavior subjects the student to disciplinary action.
Health Office Guidelines
The health office is staffed by a qualified school nurse whose primary function is to provide emergency first aid in event of an accident or sudden illness. The nurse does not diagnose illness, prescribe treatment, or dispense medication of any type, including aspirin, unless it is in a prescription form.
A. Keep your son or daughter home, and consult a doctor if necessary, if any of the following symptoms are present: open or wet sores, stomach pains, sore throat, running nose or eyes, fever, suspicious rash, diarrhea, earache, and/or persistent cough. Students should be clear of a fever for 24 hours before returning to school.
B. Obtain a written excuse from a doctor if a student is not to take physical education. The note should include the time frame the student is excused from physical education. Notes are NOT to state "until further notice."
C. Obtain documentation from a physician or other appropriate medical professional before a student on crutches enters school property. Documentation must provide the following information: diagnosis and duration of the authorized use of crutches and documentation that that the student has received training in the use of the crutches.
D. Notify the school nurse if your son or daughter has any medical problems (i.e.: a seizure disorder, epilepsy, diabetes) or is taking any medications.
E. Provide medical documentation of chronic conditions annually.
Student Illness During the Day
Students who do not feel well before coming to school should advise their parent/guardian and should not come to school. If a student becomes ill during the day, he/she should request a pass from a teacher and report immediately to the health office.
Students are not to send a text message or call a parent/guardian from a cell phone to pick them up due to illness. All parent contact regarding a student’s illness or injury must be made by the health office. Parents/Guardians must bring a valid photo I.D. when picking up a student from school.
Students should not go to the lavatory if ill, except in an emergency. Students, who remain in the lavatory rather than in the health office because they are ill, will be subject to disciplinary action for cutting. Students must sign into the health office and confer with the nurse. The school nurse will determine if the student should be sent home, rest in the waiting room, or return to class. Students who must leave school due to illness, including seniors with driving privileges, may do so only with a parent/guardian or an adult designated by the parent/guardian on the emergency card.
Health Services Provided by the Schools
A. processing of paperwork for athletics
B. emergency care for accidents and illnesses at school
C. counseling and health guidance
D. exclusions and readmissions for health reasons
E. maintenance of immunization records and student health records, with referrals as required
F. participation in medical aspects of the intervention and referral services team and child study team
G. scoliosis screening, vision and hearing testing
H. implementation of an individualized program for students with a diabetes diagnosis
I. Crisis Situations
The Board of Education is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of students during the school day, and will take action as necessary to provide for the safety and security of its students, staff and/or property. In “student crisis situations,” the Board reserves the right to exclude (or remove) a student who has been determined to pose an imminent or potential threat to self, student or staff, pending appropriate mental health clearance.
1. Examples of “Student Crisis Situations,” by way of example
a. Student exhibits actions creating an imminent danger to the student or others, e.g., suicidal or homicidal ideation(s) or attempt(s);
b. Student engages in verbalization(s) or other action(s) threatening the health, safety or well-being of himself/herself, other students, or staff;
c. Student engages in verbalization(s) or other action(s) reflecting an intent or plan to harm himself/herself, other students, or staff;
d. Student engages in verbalization(s) or other action(s) indicating that the student may be at risk of causing harm to himself/herself, other students, or staff;
e. Student engages in verbalization(s) or other action(s) indicating that the student poses a threat to the health, safety or well-being of himself/herself, other students, or staff;
f. Student possesses object(s) or material(s) posing a threat to the health, safety or well-being of himself/herself, other students, or staff; or
g. Student engages in any other action determined to be a potentially threatening or harmful activity.
J. Elevator keys are made available to students with a verified medical need to use the elevator. Only students issued access may ride in the elevator; except in the case where a second student assists with carrying books. Students must follow all procedures of the health office regarding the elevator use.
Health Services Not Provided by the Schools
Health Services NOT Provided by the School
A. care of injuries that happen at home
B. changing of bandages administered at home or by a physician
C. treatment other than basic life support
D. diagnosing or prescribing treatment
E. dispensing any medication including over-the-counter medication without a doctor's note
No student may bring prescription or over-the-counter medications to school. A student who violates this policy will incur disciplinary consequences.
A critical issue in school health services today is the dispensing of medication in the public schools. School personnel have serious concerns regarding the legality of procedures for dispensing medication within the school district. Please note that the self-administration by a student for asthma or other potentially life-threatening illness or a life-threatening allergic reaction is permitted in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.3 and 12.4 (See also Administration of Medication-Board of Education Policy #5330.)
In accordance with the N.J.A.C. 6:29-11-6:295.2 and the NJ Department of Education publication entitled Guidelines for School Health Services, the FRHSD Board of Education sets forth the following basic policy:
The FRHSD Board of Education shall not be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of student illnesses. The administration of medication to a student during school hours will be permitted only when the student's physician/dentist certifies in writing that the administration of medication during school hours is essential to the health of the student.
If any prescription medication or any over-the-counter prescription is to be administered during school hours, the FRHSD Board of Education requires the following:
A. The family physician or parent/guardian shall provide a written request and release for the dispensing of prescription medication while at school, therefore relieving the Board of Education of any responsibility.
B. Written orders are to be provided to the school from the private physician detailing the diagnosis or type of illness involved, the name of drug, dosage, and time of administration. The nurse and student will make suitable arrangements for the student to report to the health office at the appropriate time to take medications.
C. Any prescription (prescribed or over-the-counter medications) should be brought to the school health office by the parent/guardian in the original container, appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician.
D. The school physician may review the orders of the private physician when necessary.
E. The school nurse shall provide a secured, locked space for the safe storage of medication and prescription drugs.
F. The certified school nurse, parent/guardian, and school physician are the only individuals permitted to dispense medication in school with the exception of notations based on Chapter 308 of P.L. 1993. Students may be permitted to self-medicate under the following conditions:
- The parent/guardian must sign an authorization.
- The parent/guardian must provide written certification from the physician. Permission is effective for the school year for which it is granted and must be reviewed each subsequent school year.
- All records and documentation must be maintained by the school nurse. Students participating in off-campus school functions must submit the form for self- medication prior to the event.
Suicide Prevention
Students should refer themselves or others who are experiencing suicidal ideas, gestures, or attempts to a member of the crisis intervention team for immediate assistance. Members of the team include the school psychologist, guidance counselor, school social worker, nurse, student assistance coordinator, or school administrator. If any one of the team members is not available, seek assistance from another team member. Students may also call the 2nd Floor Youth Helpline at 888-222-2228. This free community service provides a confidential toll-free helpline staffed with accredited professionals and trained volunteers.
Working Papers
All students between the ages of 14 and 18 must have working papers before they obtain employment. Once a student receives a job offer, they should apply for Working Papers via the state website. The new online application process is designed to be streamlined and efficient for everyone.