School Bus Regulations
Bus transportation is provided for all FRHSD students who are legally entitled to such service. Students are encouraged to use school bus transportation services and to refrain, as much as possible, from using private automobiles to and from school. The Freehold Regional High School District’s Department of Transportation is responsible for the arrival and departure of buses, assignment of routes, and employment of bus drivers. Students who need information about bus routes or are in doubt about the timely arrival of a bus should call (732) 431-8368. Such calls should NOT be made to the individual high schools. Students are required to show proper respect for the bus driver and bus property. Proper conduct is essential on school buses. Your cooperation is expected at all times in adhering to the following rules:
A. All school rules apply to student conduct on the buses.
B. There will be no smoking/vaping on the buses.
C. Students must not extend arms, hands, or heads out of the windows.
D. School buses should be kept clean. Use the trash box provided in the front of the bus.
E. Students must ride in their seats and keep aisles clear of books, gym bags, etc.
F. Students will not distract the driver’s attention with loud talking or unnecessary confusion.
G. Bus drivers are fully responsible for the safety of all students on school buses. All drivers are authorized to take any action they see fit to insure safety to all students within the framework of the laws of the State of New Jersey.
H. No student may ride on another bus other than his/her assigned bus, nor may he/she leave the bus at any stop other than the assigned stop unless he/she presents a bus pass. Administrative approval may be granted on the basis of parental request and there must also be sufficient seating capacity on the vehicle.
I. Students will proceed directly to their respective buses immediately at the close of school. When the buses are prepared to depart no students are allowed to enter or leave any vehicle.
J. A student may be excluded from the bus for disciplinary reasons by the principal. The student’s parent/guardian will be responsible for providing transportation to and from school during the period of such exclusion. (N.J. Statute 18A:25-2)