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Students shall sign the district prom contract and adhere to all the stipulations as set forth in the contract. All Board of Education policies relating to drugs and alcohol will be strictly enforced. The use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and/or any other controlled-dangerous substance before, during, or after the prom is prohibited by New Jersey law as well as Board of Education policies, regulations, and rules. Any person under the influence or in possession of an alcoholic beverage or drugs shall be reported to the police for arrest, excluded from the prom, suspended from school, and may be denied participation in future school activities. Parents/guardians will be notified. Parents/guardians are asked to monitor and supervise all before and after prom activities.  

The following items are listed in the prom contract:  

A. The school may establish an early dismissal time for prom participants on the day of the event. A special prom form will be completed by the parent and student prior to dismissal.  

B. The approval of a guest is at the discretion of the principal, who may consult with other school administrators, and/or law enforcement as per the Memorandum of Agreement. The building administrator must approve all outside guests. Guests may not be older than 20 years of age and must obey all Board of Education policies, regulations, and rules since the prom is a school function. The class advisor must be notified of any changes in guests.  

C. Prom attendees are under direct supervision of the respective high school staff and administration during the hours of the prom. Parents/guardians must assume responsibility from the time of dismissal.  

D. In accordance with BOE Policy 5535, all students attending the prom may be required to submit to a breathalyzer screening to detect the presence of alcohol. Screening may be conducted upon entering, during, or upon leaving the prom. 

E. Use of alcoholic beverages or any illegal substances is prohibited. Any person under the influence or in possession of an alcoholic beverage or drug shall be reported to the police for arrest, excluded from the prom, and suspended from school. Seniors will not be permitted to participate in graduation. Underclassmen will not be permitted to attend future proms.

PASSIVE BREATH ALCOHOL SENSOR DEVICES may be used by school administration at high school proms.  

F. Smoking will not be tolerated inside or on the grounds of the facility. Any violators will be handled with disciplinary action as per applicable Board of Education policies and regulations.  

G. All students and guests are required to submit identification upon request and shall be subject to review by administrators and/or staff members that are on-site. Approval for participation shall be at their sole discretion.  

H. All student fines must be paid before prom bids can be purchased. If a student accrues a fine after he/she has purchased a bid, he/she must clear that fine by the date of the prom or he/she will be denied admission.

I. The purchaser of the bid is responsible for supplying a copy of these rules to his/her guest. All students and guests must abide by these rules and regulations.  

J. Proper attire is expected. Students who are not dressed appropriately will be removed from the prom.  

K. Students are responsible for their guest’s behavior.  

L. Inappropriate behavior will result in immediate exclusion from the prom.  

M. All prom-goers will not be permitted to leave until the administration makes an announcement. Students and guests are not permitted to exit and return to the prom at will, including going to the parking lot and/or limousines while the prom is in progress. All bags and personal belongings are subject to search.  

N. Students attending the prom must report to school on time and be marked present for the full day on the day through dismissal on the day of the prom, the day preceding the prom, and the school day following the prom.  Seniors absent from school, arriving late, leaving early on these days  (without a valid doctor’s note) jeopardize their privilege to participate in prom, graduation ceremony and juniors may jeopardize their senior parking privileges.  

O. All disciplinary consequences must be served.  

P. There will be NO REFUNDS of any kind.