National Honor Society
Board of Education Policy-Honoring Student Achievement #5440
The National Honor Society functions to recognize students (juniors and seniors) who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, and service both to school and community. Along with the honor bestowed by membership, there are also additional responsibilities that each member must agree to take on as per the National Honor Society Charter. Any violation of the National Honor Society Charter will result in removal or consequences.
Screening/Selection Process
Selection to the National Honor Society is a privilege awarded to students based on the criteria established by the local chapter in compliance with national guidelines and the NHS Constitution. Membership in the National Honor Society is based upon scholarship, service, leadership, and character. In order to be considered, candidates must have a full minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.75 (GPA will not be rounded to the next highest integer) based on their grades beginning in freshman year. This scholastic level of achievement shall remain fixed and shall be the required minimum scholastic level of achievement for admission to candidacy. All juniors and seniors who have attained the required standard of scholarship may be admitted to candidacy for selection to membership. Their eligibility shall then be considered on service, leadership, and character. Prior to the end of the first marking period, a list shall be compiled of all juniors and seniors who are scholastically eligible. The students shall be notified of their eligibility status. Any error or omission must be brought to the attention of the principal within three (3) days of the notification.
Candidates will be required to fulfill the requirements below:
A. Candidates will have to attend a scheduled informational meeting to learn about the rules and responsibilities of membership in the National Honor Society and obtain specific deadlines regarding the selection process.
B. Candidates will have to provide information regarding their co-curricular/extracurricular and community service activities.
C. Candidates will be expected to abide by all National Honor Society requirements if inducted.
Evaluation of Students:
Candidates will be evaluated in the areas of service, leadership, and character as follows:
A. Evaluation is primarily facilitated by those staff members who taught the students in a prescribed course, or function as an advisor or coach to the student in one of the recognized athletic or activity programs of the school.
B. Each candidate has the opportunity to seek evaluations by community members. Evaluations by community leaders shall have equal weight to school evaluations.
C. A minimum of seven (7) evaluations in each of the areas of character and leadership must be obtained from each candidate. No more than two (2) of the seven (7) evaluations may be from community members. One week prior to final tabulations, students who do not have the minimum of seven (7) evaluations will be informed. If seven (7) evaluations are not available at the time of final tabulation, this may impact candidacy.
National Honor Society Evaluations, Letters of Recommendation, and Faculty Council Notes are not maintained as part of the permanent student record and as such, are not subject to review by students or parents.
D. The service score will be derived by the Faculty Council using the student’s community service log.
E. Each candidate shall be scored four, three, two, one, or zero according to the scale below:
• Four indicates that the student is outstanding in the qualities desired.
• Three indicates that the student is average in the qualities desired.
• Two indicates that the student is fair in the qualities desired.
• One indicates that the student is weak in the qualities desired.
• Zero indicates that the student is lacking in the qualities desired.
The following criteria are used in evaluation rankings:
A. "Service" - In the routine of daily work, many opportunities arise to help others. Willingness to work without monetary compensation or without recognition for the benefit of those in need is the quality sought in National Honor Society members. The candidate must be committed to volunteer, and demonstrate willingness to render service to others in class, in an activity, and in the community.
B. "Leadership" - In taking the initiative in class and school activities, the leader strives to train and aid others to attain positive goals. A leader has self-confidence and will go forward when others hesitate. A leader is willing to sacrifice his/her own time and personal interests for the interests of others; he/she often successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility. A leader promotes school and community activities and exemplifies positive qualities and attitudes.
C. "Character" - This attribute truly distinguishes one person from others and is achieved and not received. A person with true character demonstrates the qualities of reliability, responsibility, honesty, sincerity, and courtesy. In school, he or she cooperates willingly and adheres to school regulations.
Final Selection
Selection to the National Honor Society is determined by the Faculty Council, who are charged with carefully and objectively evaluating potential members. The Faculty Council, comprised of five staff members, will then consider those students recommended for membership. A majority vote of the committee is necessary for membership selection. The Faculty Council will evaluate the requirements of leadership, service, and character for each eligible candidate. Candidates not meeting one or more of the requirements for selection will be notified in writing, including a statement referring to the area(s) which were deficient. The student will then have three days within which to appeal. Any faculty member contesting a student’s candidacy has an opportunity to share information with the principal prior to final selection.
Appeal Procedure
To file an appeal, students must submit a written statement to the Principal listing specific reasons for consideration in reviewing and making a determination on the appeal. The Principal may convene the Faculty Council to review and consider appeals. The student may or may not be asked to appear before the Faculty Council. Students may be asked to submit additional documentation regarding community service hours as a component of the appeal process. The Principal has final say regarding appeals. Additional faculty member or community member evaluations will not be accepted.
Dismissing Members
In order to retain membership in the National Honor Society, the National Council requires members to maintain the same standards used as the basis for their election. The Faculty Council, in compliance with the rules and regulations of the National Honor Society, shall determine the procedure for dismissal. According to the National Honor Society handbook, any member who deliberately violates a school or civil law or acts in a manner unbecoming of a member of the National Honor Society should be dismissed. For flagrant violations, such as plagiarism or academic dishonesty, the honor society member may be dismissed following a hearing before the Faculty Council and will not necessarily receive a warning or probation.