Important School Dates
For easy reference, here is the 2024-2025 FRHSD calendar at a glance.
New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment-ELA (NJGPA-ELA) & New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment - Mathematics (NJGA-M)
Juniors are required to take and pass these computer-based assessments in Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy to meet the NJDOE's graduation assessment requirement. Should a student not pass either the ELA or math portion, they will have the option to use alternative assessments (e.g. NJSLA, ACT, SAT, PSAT) to meet this requirement.
New Jersey Student Learning Assessments-ELA (NJSLA-ELA) & New Jersey Student Learning Assessment-Mathematics (NJSLA-M)
These computer-based assessments in Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy give teachers, schools, students, and parents better information on whether students are on track in their learning and for success after high school.
New Jersey Student Learning Assessment - Science (NJSLA-S)
The NJSLA-S measures student proficiency based on New Jersey’s state standards. The science standards require students to use science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts, in an integrated way, to make sense of phenomena or to design solutions to problems.
Students are NOT permitted to have cell phones, cameras, or other remotely activated or activating communication devices in ANY testing room. Students found to have a cell phone, camera, or other remotely activated or activating communication devices in a testing room will receive a V2 (void) for that test section.
All students are required to take a final exam at the conclusion of each course. Each exam block will be 90 minutes in length. Vacations and/or other activities must be arranged after the close of the exam schedule. No requests for exceptions will be honored. To maintain the integrity of the exam environment, students will not be admitted to a scheduled exam late or be allowed to leave early. All such occurrences will require students to take missed exams on the designated make-up date or during the summer. Parents must contact the main office to make an appointment. No early exams will be scheduled for any reason.
If the Final Exam is missed/not taken by the student at the time final exams are given, a grade of "E" will be given. If the Final Exam is taken by the student prior to the start of the following school year, the Final Exam grade will be re-calculated from the "E" and updated to the appropriate grade on the student's final report card and official high school transcript.