General Information
- Academic Assistance
- Assemblies
- Before/After-School Supervision
- Bicycles
- Cafeteria
- Child Abuse
- Computers
- Daily Announcements
- Fire Drills/Emergency Safety Drills
- Fire Extinguishers
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- Media Center
- Messages/Items for Students
- Parent Organizations
- Parent/Student Grievance Procedure
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Photo Identification Cards
- Posters and Notices
- Student Council
- Student Drop Off
- Student Driving
- Student Fines
- Student Fundraising
- Student Use of Internet/Intranet
- Study Halls
- Telephone Use
- Thefts
- Tutorial Services
- Vacations during the School Year
- Visitors
Academic Assistance
Educational assemblies may be available to students throughout the school year. Students must proceed to the assembly program from class period locations after attendance has been taken, and they must sit in designated areas. Attention and proper respect for participants is always expected and always required.
Before/After-School Supervision
It is essential that all students leave the building at the close of the school day. Loitering before and after school will not tolerated. Exceptions are made for students involved in school sponsored extracurricular activities, those using the media center, or receiving assistance from the teaching staff. It shall be firmly understood that students must be under the direct supervision of a member of the professional staff at all times. Students may not be dropped off before or after school hours without direct supervision. No student will be admitted to early schools prior to 6:45 a.m. or to the late schools prior to 7:45 a.m. unless they are involved in an approved activity supervised by a staff member. No student will be allowed in the building after 2:05 p.m. at early schools and after 3:00 p.m. at late schools. Students who fail to comply with the above will be subject to disciplinary action.
The school cafeteria is in operation during each regular school day. Failure to report to the designated eating areas for the assigned lunch period will result in disciplinary action. Food and drink are permitted to be consumed in designated areas only. The cafeteria makes available both hot and cold lunches, a la carte items, salad bar, sandwiches, and snacks. Students may purchase a complete lunch; bring lunch from home, purchase milk, snacks, or dessert. In order to keep the corridors clear and to minimize distractions, students must arrive at the start of the period to avoid penalty.
It is important that each student realize that all eating areas must be kept neat and clean. Students are responsible for their eating area and all trash must be disposed of properly regardless of its source. Teachers supervising the lunch will require that each area be cleared of trash and that papers and trays are properly disposed before students are permitted to leave.
Students who fail to follow teacher directions to clean up their areas will be subject to discipline under insubordination. Weather permitting, schools with an enclosed courtyard may allow students to use the courtyard during their lunch period as a privilege.
Lunch rules are as follows:
A. Students are expected to stand in line and wait their turn to purchase lunch items.
B. Students are required to keep their respective tables/eating areas clean and are to deposit all trays and refuse in the proper receptacle. Failure to comply with cafeteria regulations will be considered insubordination.
C. Students may leave the designated eating area only if they have a pass to go to a scheduled appointment; but they must secure the pass beforehand.
D. Students may not leave the school grounds for any reason during lunch without prior administrative approval.
E. Students may not have food delivered to school for lunch.
Child Abuse
Recognizing that child abuse and neglect is a serious problem in New Jersey, the State Legislature enacted laws requiring “Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to child abuse or acts of child abuse shall report the same promptly to the Child Protection and Permanency Agency by telephone or otherwise (N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.10).” New Jersey law states that “Anyone acting pursuant to this Act in making of a report under this Act shall have immunity from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed. Any such person shall have the same immunity with respect to testimony given in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report (N.J.S.A.9:6-8.13).” “Any person knowingly violating the provisions of this Act including the failure to report an act of child abuse having reasonable cause to believe that an act of child abuse has been committed, is a disorderly person (N.J.S.A.9:6-8.14).” For suspected abuse, call 1-877-652-2873 or 732-988-2161.
If there is reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to child abuse or acts of child abuse, staff shall promptly notify the Child Protection and Permanency Agency, the local police department, and possibly if appropriate, the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s office. Anyone, especially a student, having any concern or questions about child abuse should contact the school counselor, teacher, nurse, or administrator immediately.
Students are expected to appreciate and respect the district’s investment in computer technology. Any student who tampers with system configurations by modifying, adding, or deleting software will lose the privilege of using school computers and will be subject to disciplinary action. Students who vandalize or carelessly damage computer hardware will forfeit the privilege of using the equipment and will be subject to discipline and fines as stipulated under VANDALISM in the discipline guidelines. Use of the Internet will be restricted to educational research under the direction and supervision of teachers and media center personnel.
Daily Announcements
Announcements are made to students daily over the public address system or available on the school's website. Students are responsible for the information conveyed during the announcements. No announcements will be read or posted unless signed by a sponsoring teacher and approved by an administrator. Classes will not be interrupted with announcements unless such information is urgent to students or staff.
Fire Drills/Emergency Safety Drills
Board of Education Policy - Emergency and Crisis Situations #8420
Fire drills and emergency safety drills are necessary for the safety and security of all students, staff, and others. Everyone should know the specific direction for reaching a point of safety from those areas of the building in which he/she may be. For fire drills, the information is posted on a sign adjacent to the exit door of each room. Any specific directions regarding a fire/emergency safety drill will be announced at that time via the public address system.
The district conducts regular fire, evacuation, and lock-down drills. During an evacuation drill students are instructed to vacate the building and report to the designated area. In the event that it is necessary to vacate the school grounds, off-site contingency plans will be executed. During a lock-down drill students and staff remain in the classroom or other designated area until the end of the drill. No one, including parents/guardians, will be allowed into the school building during a lock-down drill or an actual lock-down situation.
Fire Extinguishers
Board of Education Policy-Locker Searches #5770
The Board of Education recognizes the need to provide student locker facilities. However, the Board of Education also recognizes its responsibility to protect the health, welfare, and safety of all district personnel and to provide for an environment that is conducive to learning. Furthermore, the Board of Education is cognizant that the Fourth Amendment right to privacy applies to students and those students are therefore entitled to be free from unreasonable search and seizures by school officials. The Board of Education makes hall and gym lockers available for temporary storage of school materials and clothing. Students shall be informed annually that all lockers are school property and will be subject to regular inspection by the administration and/or agent. The Board of Education and its agents assume no responsibility for the safety of personal belongings while in student lockers. The Board of Education directs that periodic general inspection of lockers shall be conducted for the purpose of health, welfare, and safety of all district personnel and students. However, the determination by a school official to conduct an individual locker search shall be based on reasonable grounds. The standard that shall guide the conduct of a school official in effecting a student search shall be that the school official must have reasonable grounds to believe that a student possesses evidence of illegal activity or activity that would interfere with school discipline and order before a reasonable search can be conducted. In the event that a search reveals that a student’s locker contains any material or article in violation of Board of Education policy or violation of criminal law, the individuals responsible may be subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal charges. The superintendent and his staff establish rules/regulations for the administration of this policy. Such established rules and regulations, to the best extent possible are made known to all students within the school.
Rules and Regulations:
- Student lockers are the property of the Freehold Regional High School District.
- Each school principal or his/her designee shall maintain a listing of all lockers in his/her building and a listing of the locker assignments.
- Students will be periodically required to remove gym clothing from gym lockers for laundering at home.
- Students will be required to participate in “general clean outs” of lockers as determined by the principal or his/her designee.
- Students will not affix permanent materials to or otherwise deface school lockers.
- For security, students should never divulge his/her combination to another student.
- Periodic unannounced general inspection of lockers will be conducted by the school principal or his/her designee.
- The student will be made aware of this policy by inclusion in the student handbook.
- The administrators in each building in the district will maintain written documents of all announced and unannounced locker inspections.
- No personal lock of any type other than school issued locks may be placed upon any hall/gym locker.
Lost and Found
A lost and found is maintained in each high school. Inquiries regarding lost/found items should be made to the designated lost and found location. Anyone finding a lost or misplaced article should turn it into the lost and found. Articles that are not claimed within a reasonable period of time are discarded.
Media Center
Extensive collections of books, periodicals, and audiovisual materials are carefully stored and catalogued in the media center. All materials are available to students through a computerized system which includes many full-text databases, indices, and materials owned by the media center. Access to off-site databases, books, and journal articles is also available. A security system in the media center is used to combat theft, to aide students in locating important reference materials, and to protect the community’s enormous investment in the media center collection. Any attempt to tamper with the security system will result in disciplinary action for vandalism.
Media center rules are as follows:
- Reference books, literary criticisms, encyclopedias, and audiovisual materials may be checked out at the close of the school day and must be returned the next day. There is a 25-cent per day fine for each item not returned on time. All other books may be checked out for two weeks with a renewal option at the end of that period. If these items are not returned on time, there is a 5-cent fine per day for each item. It shall be firmly understood that the students bear responsibility for any property checked out to them.
- To charge out materials, students must present their library card/student identification at the desk. These cards are not transferable and students should not charge out books for others. The student is solely responsible for all books charged out on his/her card.
- No book may be taken from the media center without being charged out at the desk.
- Food or drink is permitted in designated areas ONLY.
- Students must enter and exit the media center only through its main entrance or other designated area.
- Periodicals may be used only within the media center.
- Students wishing to use the Internet must agree to the rules established by the district and both the student and student’s parent/guardian must sign a use agreement which is kept on file in the media center. Inappropriate use of the Internet will result in loss of privileges.
- Students using the computer lab must ensure proper use of all equipment. Misuse of computer equipment will result in removal from the lab. Proper conduct is expected in the media center at all times in order to permit students to study and work.
Messages/Items for Students
It is the student’s responsibility to arrive at school prepared for the instructional day. Students may not have food delivered to school for lunch. Parents are discouraged from bringing item(s) to their student at school. When it is absolutely essential that a parent/guardian deliver an item(s) to school, arrangements MUST be made prior to the start of the instructional day. Students should plan to pick up such items during the day. No items will be delivered to the classroom and the school assumes no liability for such items. Parents and students are reminded that school personnel will not call students to the office.
Parent Organizations
Each FRHSD high school maintains a parent-teacher organization that provides assistance and support for both academic and student activity programs. All parent groups are extremely active and rely upon the continued support, involvement, and participation of all school parents. School administrators welcome and encourage parents to become involved in our school organizations. Notices for participation in parent groups and other opportunities to provide valuable feedback on issues related to your child’s educational experience can be found on the district’s website.
Parent/Student Grievance Procedure
Board of Education Policy- Student Grievance #5710
The Board of Education recognizes that individual parents, students, or groups of parents and students may at times have concerns, complaint, or grievances that need consideration or resolution. To this end, the Board of Education’s policy listed below describes a functional and orderly procedure in which concerns of parents and students can be discussed and resolved quickly and equitably. In the event that any parent/student or groups of parents/students have a concern, complaint, or grievance, the matter should be discussed with the school staff member immediately concerned. If the problem is not resolved through this process, the parent(s)/student(s) may address their concerns to the next higher authority in the school building, preferably in writing. The successive order of appeal shall follow the following chain-of-command:
- Staff Member
- Supervisor
- Assistant Principal
- Principal
- Appropriate Central Administrator
- Superintendent
- Board of Education
The parent(s)/student(s), at any level, should feel free to be represented by a person of his/her (their) choosing. The superintendent is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of this policy.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Photo Identification Cards
Posters and Notices
Student Council
Student government, an important student organization at each high school, is elected to represent the entire student body. Representatives attend general assembly meetings, serve on committees, participate in all student council activities, represent the student body, and present concerns to the council cited by fellow classmates. The major purposes of the student council are to aid in the general welfare of the students and to promote pride and spirit in the community; to act as liaison for the students, faculty, and administration; to provide a means of communication among the six district schools and the Board of Education; and to promote social activities.
Student Drop Off
Parents who drive their children to school are prohibited from entering the bus area between 6:50 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. at early schools; and between 7:50 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. at late schools. Parents MUST use the following designated locations to drop off their students:
- Colts Neck HS Front (main office) side of the school
- Freehold HS Robertsville Road entrances and Rt. 79 semi-circle
- Freehold Township HS Gym side parking lot
- Howell HS Front of the building; NO parking is permitted in the circular driveway
- Manalapan HS Auditorium side of the building
- Marlboro HS South entrance of the building near athletic fields
Student Driving
Bus transportation is provided for all district students and the administration discourages students from driving private vehicles to school. The administration particularly urges all students not to drive to school on days of inclement weather, anticipated inclement weather, or when an emergency situation exists. Additionally, students will not be permitted to leave school early to take their cars home. In the event inclement weather begins during the school day, students are encouraged to leave their cars at school and go home on the school bus. At no time during the school day may students go to their cars or be permitted to leave school grounds for any reason without prior administrative approval. Moreover, the district, out of concern for the safety of the entire school community reserves the right to suspend or revoke the driving privileges of and/or initiate police action against any student who drives on school property in a reckless, careless, or unsafe manner. PRIOR WARNING IS NOT REQUIRED. Limited parking space and concern for student and staff safety, as well as security, necessitates that established district rules, regulations, and procedures be adhered.
Students and members of the public who park on school grounds at any time do so at their own risk with the understanding of the following: By entering the respective area, the person in charge of any vehicle consents to the search of the entire vehicle and its contents with or without cause by school officials or the police department.
CAMPUS PARKING IS A SENIOR PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. UNDERCLASSMEN ARE NOT PERMITTED TO PARK ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. All students who drive/ride a motor vehicle to school must register with school administration and must have attended, along with their parents, a FRHSD Driver Safety Awareness Program. Only seniors who have earned at least 85 credits by September are permitted to park on campus. To register a car, students must present a copy of their license, vehicle registration, and insurance card in addition to the official school registration form. Disregarding parking policies will result in parking privileges being revoked.
Student Fines
Each student is issued the books, lab manuals, and other materials needed for one’s courses. However, each student must return all issued class material(s) to the appropriate teacher who issued it. If a teacher has not received the material issued, the teacher will submit a fine slip to the main office. The student who is still in possession of borrowed material may either return the material or pay the subsequent fine. Failure to return or pay for the material will result in denial of participation in school activities and athletics, including the prom, and parking privileges until the obligation has been fulfilled. The same procedure applies to damaged books, excluding reasonable wear and tear, athletic equipment, library books, library fines, money collected for fundraising activities, and any other school equipment.
In regard to library books, please be advised that each student is personally and solely responsible for all material charged out on his/his card. For this reason, students should not loan their personal library card to any other student. Any student found vandalizing or damaging school property will be charged and subject to full restitution for damages incurred.
Student Fundraising
“Student fundraising” means the solicitation and collection of money by students, on or off school premises, for any purpose associated directly or indirectly with the school district or under circumstances in which the solicitors are identified as students of this district. Students may solicit and collect money on behalf of approved school organizations, provided the fundraising activity has been approved by the principal/designee. No fundraising activity involving door to door or general solicitation shall be permitted. A request form for fund raising is available in each school’s main office. After approval is granted, and the fundraising activity is completed, an income statement must be submitted to the principal. All fundraising activities not related to the curriculum are prohibited during regular school hours. The sale of items for individual profit is also prohibited.
Student Use of Internet/Intranet
Board of Education Policy-Acceptable Use of Computer Network/Computers Resources #2361
The Board of Education recognizes as new technologies shift the manner in which information is accessed, communicated, and transferred; these changes will alter the nature of teaching and learning. The Board supports access by students to tools and resources through network/computer resources, but reserves the right to limit in-school use to tools and resources appropriate for educational purposes. Since the Board has not preapproved each of the tools and resources that students might use, the Board directs the Superintendent to effect training of teaching staff members in analyzing and evaluating such resources as to appropriateness for educational purposes.
The Board therefore adopts the following standards of conduct for the use of computer networks and declares unethical, unacceptable, or illegal behavior as just cause for taking disciplinary action, limiting or revoking network access privileges, and/or instituting legal action.
The Board provides access to computer networks/computers and other devices for educational purposes only. The Board retains the right to restrict or terminate student access to computer networks/computers and other devices at any time, for any reason. School district personnel will monitor all activity to maintain the integrity of the network, and the safety of computers and other devices to ensure their proper use, and to ensure compliance with Federal and State laws that regulate Internet safety.
Standards for Use of District Computers and Networks
Any individual engaging in the following actions when using district computers and networks shall be subject to discipline or legal action:
A. Using the district computers and networks for illegal, inappropriate or obscene purposes, or in support of such activities. Illegal activities are defined as activities that violate Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. Inappropriate activities are defined as those that do not align with a classroom instructor’s educational or instructional objectives. Obscene activities shall be defined as a violation of generally accepted social standards for use of publicly owned and operated communication vehicles.
B. Using the district computers and networks to violate copyrights, license agreements or other rights to intellectual property, data, and applications.
C. Using the district computers and networks in a manner that:
- Intentionally disrupts network traffic or crashes the network;
- Degrades or disrupts equipment or system performance;
- Uses the computing resources of the school district for commercial purposes, financial gain, or fraud;
- Constitutes plagiarism;
- Gains or seeks unauthorized access to the files of others or vandalizes the data of another person;
- Gains or seeks unauthorized access to resources or entities;
- Forges communications from or uses an account owned by others;
- Invades privacy of others;
- Engages in other activities that do not advance the educational and instructional objectives of a classroom instructor.
Consent Requirement
No student shall be allowed to use the school districts’ computer networks/computers and the Internet unless they have filed with the school a Network Use Agreement consent form signed by the student and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
Individuals violating this Policy shall be subject to the consequences as indicated in Regulation 2361 and other appropriate discipline, which includes but are not limited to:
- Use of the network only under direct supervision;
- Suspension of network privileges;
- Revocation of network privileges;
- Suspension of computer privileges;
- Revocation of computer privileges;
- Suspension from school;
- Expulsion from school; and/or
- Legal action and prosecution by the authorities.
Study Halls
Study halls are available to students who have obtained a medical excuse from physical education or travel between schools (i.e. vocational schools) and have no full class period available. Students assigned to a study hall will be expected to report to the designated study hall area as they would attend any other class. A sign-in procedure is utilized and failure to sign-in will result in disciplinary action.
Telephone Use
Students are warned that leaving personal items unlocked or outside their lockers in the physical education locker rooms may result in theft and is strongly discouraged.
The school and district assume no responsibility for such carelessness.
Students must exercise great care to see that all lockers are properly secured to protect school and personal property from theft. Every theft report is carefully investigated by the administration and/or the police department. To prevent thefts, students are urged to take the following precautions:
- Never leave personal property unattended.
- Leave valuable belongings and large sums of money at home, not in lockers.
- Do not share your locker combination with anyone and do not leave your locker open.
- If a theft occurs, the student suffering the loss should report to the main office immediately to complete a theft/loss materials report. This form should be filed immediately upon discovery of the loss. All thefts of a serious nature should be immediately reported to the local police department. The district takes no responsibility for the damage to or the loss of personal or school assigned property.
Tutorial Services
Board of Education Policy-Tutorial Services #3232
The policy states that whether or not an employee is on school premises or engaged in school related activities, he/she shall not solicit or enter into a business arrangement with any parent or student of the school district for the sale of any goods or services which may be directly or indirectly related to the school district’s educational or co-curricular programs. This is to avoid any impression that such goods or services have been endorsed or approved by the Board of Education or the impression that the use of such goods or services will improve a student’s performance in the district’s educational or co-curricular programs. No teaching staff member shall solicit or provide private instruction for a fee to any student of the school district enrolled in the school or schools to which the teaching staff member is assigned.
Vacations during the School Year
Maintaining and preserving the continuity of instruction is a priority of school administration and is central to academic success. Therefore, it is imperative that scheduled family vacations do not interfere with classroom instructional time. Parents are requested to submit a written notice to the principal at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled absence. Absence due to vacation during the school year is an unexcused absence. Receipt of the written notice does not imply approval or exemption from the policy. Excessive absences may lead to loss of credit and/or disciplinary action.
Board of Education Policy-School Visitors #9150
Visitors, former students, friends, or relatives of students, etc., are not permitted in school during school hours. This rule has been established based on legal issues that can arise due to unauthorized persons being on school property. Visitors can also detract from the established learning environment. Only the principal may permit guests to be on school property during the school day. All visitors to the building must immediately report to the security desk, show an identification card, and sign in. Since all school doors are posted in accordance with the law, unauthorized persons found on campus will be required to leave the premises and a police complaint of trespassing may be filed.