Disciplinary Consequences
The Freehold Regional High School District Administration recognizes that explicitly listing all possible unacceptable
behaviors and their disciplinary consequences are not practicable. Therefore, the absence of specifically listed behavior will not prevent the administration from imposing consequences for behaviors deemed inappropriate including expulsion, if warranted.
Final implementation of these Behavioral Guidelines shall be subject to the authority of the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee and the Board of Education.
- Discipline/Code of Conduct
- Administrative/Expulsion Hearing
- Anti-Hazing
- Assault
- Bomb Threat
- Cell Phones/Electronic Mobile Devices/Remotely Activated Devices/Activating Communication Devices
- Creating/Causing a False Alarm (fire or other)
- Cutting Class
- Cutting Detention
- Dangerous Horseplay
- E-Cigarette/Vape Use and/or Possession
- Failure to Follow Proper Procedure/Misconduct
- False ID and/or Refusal to Give Name to a Staff Member
- Fighting
- Fireworks
- Forgery/Falsification of Official or School Documents (including online communication)
- Gambling/Possession of Gambling Paraphernalia
- Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
- Hate Crime and Bias-Related Acts
- Hazing
- Health/Safety Violation
- Inciting Behavior (Physical, Verbal, Electronic/Social Media Posts that creates or could potentially create an unsafe or hostile educational environment)
- Insubordinate or Defiant to a Staff Member
- Internet/Intranet Violation
- Leaving School Grounds
- Loitering/Unauthorized Area
- Outrageous Conduct/Aggressive Behavior
- Parking
- Personal Electronic Devices/Headwear/Laser Pointers/Skateboards
- Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty
- Possessing, Distributing and/or Selling/Purchasing a Chemical Substance or Drug Paraphernalia
- Security Violation
- Sex Offense (subjecting another to sexual contact or exposure)
- Tardy to Class
- Tardy to School
- Theft/Larceny/Extortion
- Threats Made to Staff
- Threats Made to Students
- Tobacco/Smoking Products Possession (includes tobacco products, lighters, matches, etc.)
- Tobacco Use
- Truancy
- Unauthorized Photography and Recording
- Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol
- Vandalism
- Vulgarity/Disrespect
- Vulgarity/Disrespect Toward a Staff Member (verbal or written)
- Weapons/Facsimiles of Weapons/Chemical Spray/Possession, Use, or Sale