Behavior Expectations
Expectations The goal of a thorough and efficient education is to provide all children the educational opportunity that will prepare them to function politically, economically, and socially in a democratic society. Our schools offer students the opportunity to learn the shared values of a society and to foster positive and productive behavior that will enable them to maximize their own potential. To promote an environment for positive student development and achievement that promotes learning and leads to academic success, students are encouraged to emulate the expectations listed below.
Prepare mentally and physically for the process of learning:
• Students should come to school nourished, rested, clean, properly dressed, and groomed.
• Students should stay free of drugs and alcohol.
• Students should arrive to school prepared to learn.
Demonstrate respect for people and property:
• Students are encouraged to be honest, courteous, and polite.
• Students are encouraged to respect the property of others.
• Students are encouraged to accept the rights of others to their own opinions.
• Students are encouraged to settle differences peacefully.
• Students are encouraged to display good sportsmanship at school-related functions
• Students should not use of strong perfume and aerosols (due to possible allergic reactions of others).
• Students are encouraged to participate in the maintenance and cleanliness of school facilities and property.
Demonstrate responsibility for your own behavior and learning:
• Students should complete all homework, class work, and exams.
• Students should make personal choices based on reasonable decision-making processes.
• Students should accept the consequences of their actions.
• Students should use time and other resources responsibly.
• Students should attend school regularly and punctually.
• Students should use study periods and library time for school work.
• Students should use books and other equipment appropriately.
Share responsibilities when working in a group:
• Students are encouraged to cooperate, contribute, and share in the work of the group.
• Students are encouraged to accept and assume leadership when appropriate.
• Students are encouraged to listen and respect the views of others.
Board of Education policy in accordance with the laws governing public education in New Jersey, as specified in Title 18A:37-1, requires each student to comply with the rules and regulations established for each school. Each student is expected to pursue the prescribed course of study for which she/he is enrolled. Each student shall submit to the authority of the teacher (or other staff member) as specified in Title 18A:25-2. Each student is held accountable for his/ her behavior during scheduled school hours as well as on the way to and from school. New Jersey Law 18A:37-2 states: “Any pupil who is guilty of continued and willful disobedience, or of open defiance of the authority of any teacher or person having authority over him, or of the habitual use of profanity or obscene language, or who shall cut, deface or otherwise injure any school property, shall be liable to punishment and to suspension or expulsion from school.” Conduct which shall constitute good cause for suspension or expulsion of a pupil shall include, but not limited to, any of the following:
• continued and willful disobedience
• open defiance of the authority of any teacher or person having authority over him/her
• character which constitute a continuing danger to the physical well-being of other pupils
• physical assault upon another pupil
• taking or attempting to take, personal property, or money from another pupil or from his presence by means of force or fear
• selling of items for individual profit
• willfully causing or attempting to cause substantial damage to school property.
• participating in unauthorized occupancy by any group of pupils or others in any part of any school or other building owned by the school district
• failure to leave such school or other facility promptly after having been charged to do so by the principal or other person then in charge of such building or facility
• provoking which is intended to and does result in unauthorized occupation by any group of pupils or others of any part of a school or other facility owned by a school district
• provoking which is intended to and results in truancy by other pupils
• possessing, consuming, or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverages, controlled dangerous substances, or intoxicating liquor while on school premises
NJ 18A:37-2,1 states that, “Any pupil who commits an assault upon a teacher, administrator, or other employee of a board of education, acting in the performance of his duties and in a situation where his authority to so act is apparent, or as a result of the victim’s relationship to an institution of pupil education of this state, shall be immediately suspended from school consistent with procedural due process pending expulsion proceedings before the local board of education.”
The Board of Education adopts this Student Discipline/Code of Conduct Policy 5600 to establish standards, policies, and procedures for positive student development and student behavioral expectations on school grounds and, as appropriate, for conduct away from school grounds. Every student enrolled in this district shall observe promulgated rules and regulations and the discipline imposed for infraction of those rules.