Athletic and Extra-Curricular Policy
Notice to Student Athletes/Club Members
If a student elects to participate in interscholastic athletics and activities, including away contests, the student should be advised that this participation may result in a loss of instructional time. Every attempt will be made to accommodate student-athletes through the scheduling process. However, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that any missed work is completed in accordance with each of his/her teacher’s requirements. As a student athlete/activity member, pride in the school, the team/activity, and oneself are important. At no time shall lewd, profane, obscene language or inappropriate conduct be allowed. They shall respect the authority of coaches/advisors and other school staff personnel and shall conform to requests made by these authorities.
In addition, a student’s appearance shall be a matter of pride which means cleanliness and neatness in dress and equipment. Students are expected to dress properly when representing their team or school at any athletic, extracurricular, or academic function. The privileges of being on a team or participation in an activity carry with them the responsibilities of setting a good example in all school activities.
The Board of Education may deny participation in extra-curricular activities, school functions, sports, graduation exercises, or other privileges as disciplinary sanctions when designed to maintain the order and integrity of the school environment, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.1(d).
Students must submit a physical packet (using the NJDOE approved forms) and other paperwork prior to the start of each sport season. Students must receive a physical examination prior to participation in school-sponsored interscholastic or intramural programs of athletic competition and any cheerleading program or activity. A physical examination is the assessment of an individual’s health status. Students who do not meet set deadlines will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular sports during that season. NJSIAA mandates that all athletes and their parents sign a consent form permitting random testing for steroids and performance enhancing drugs. This form is included in the physical packet. Students in all other extracurricular activities must sign an eligibility form.
A student may participate in only one sport per season, unless otherwise authorized. Any movement from one sport to another during the same season must be approved by both the coach of the team and the coach of the receiving team. The SECA must be notified and approve the change. An athlete must realize his/her obligation to the team and refrain from the scheduling of any conflicting activity during that season. The NJSIAA regulates sport seasons and the number of events allowed per week.
Academic Eligibility
To be eligible for athletic or extracurricular participation during the first semester of the school year, a student must have successfully completed 30 credits in the previous academic year. To be eligible to participate in a spring sport/activity, a student must have successfully completed at least 15 credits at the end of the first semester of the current school year.
Age Eligibility
A student may not participate in interscholastic athletic competitions if he/she has reached the age of 19 prior to the date of September 1st of the current school year as per NJSIAA regulations.
Attendance Eligibility
n order for a student to participate in a scheduled athletic event or extracurricular activity, he/she must be in school on the day of the event or the last day of school for a Saturday event. A student must be present in school a minimum of FOUR hours of instructional time to be given credit for a day’s attendance. Students on Home Instruction who are not present in school for four hours of instructional time or more are not permitted to participate in athletics, clubs, or extracurricular activities including privileges. Any student who is tardy to school or leaves early from school must have a parental note. If tardiness is due to a medical appointment, a doctor’s note is required. Students who are absent from school for the entire day, tardy more than one period, or have chronic tardiness problems (10 or more) are NOT eligible to participate in any after-school activities scheduled for that day without approval from school administration. Extenuating circumstances may include family emergencies, funerals, religious obligations, driver’s test, etc. Students who do not attend practice sessions MAY NOT be eligible to participate in subsequent scheduled events or activities.
Athletic Equipment Accountability
Athletic equipment used by student participants remains the property of the FRHSD. As such, it must be returned, replaced, or paid for at the end of the sport season and prior to the issuance of any award or recognition. Equipment will not be issued for an upcoming season until all equipment accounts are cleared from the preceding season. Equipment will not be issued to students out of season as per NJSIAA rules and regulations.
Awards are considered a privilege and may be given to those students who have completed full membership participation in an activity/sports season. Therefore, awards can be revoked or recalled for just cause including violation of any of the athletic code policies.
Injuries/Student Insurance
Any student participant who sustains an injury during a school related activity must report it to their coach/advisor/athletic trainer immediately and to the school health office within 24 hours. If an injury occurs outside of school, it must be reported to the coach/advisor/athletic trainer and/or health office prior to the student’s next practice, activity, or game. If an athlete is medically excused from participating in physical education class, the student cannot participate in an extracurricular sport.
The Board of Education has elected to authorize a voluntary student accident insurance policy for the school year to cover injuries that may occur during the school day. However, this voluntary policy does not cover any injuries that may occur through student play, practice, or travel in connection with interscholastic sports. The Board of Education has secured an excess insurance policy to provide coverage for medical expenses that are not covered by a parent’s/guardian’s insurance policy and that were the result of student play, practice, or travel in connection with interscholastic sports. This catastrophic coverage is subject to a $25,000 deductible with a maximum medical benefit of $1,000,000.
Transportation for Athletics/Extra-curricular Activities
No student participating in a school-sponsored event is permitted to use personal transportation to and/or from any away school-sponsored athletic or extracurricular event. Official school transportation will be provided, originating at the school and returning back to the school. The only exception to this rule will be when a written request/waiver by the student’s parent/guardian is given to the SECA or his/her designee. Students will be released only to their parent or guardian unless otherwise authorized.
Cause for Suspension from an Athletic Team/Club Activity
The use of and/or possession of any chemical substance in any form is prohibited. Chemical substances include, but are not limited, to the following: alcohol; tobacco in any form; vapes/e-cigarettes, anabolic steroids; controlled dangerous substances; any chemical which releases vapor or fumes causing intoxication; any mind-altering or behavior-altering substances used for purposes other than the treatment of illness; any prescription or over-the-counter medications except those for which permission to use has been granted pursuant to
Board of Education Policy - Administration of Medication #5330. Self-administration of medication by a student for asthma, other potentially life-threatening illness, or a life-threatening allergic reaction is permitted in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.3 and 12.4.
Violation of the District’s use and/or possession rule will result in immediate dismissal from the team/club for 60 calendar days and a mandatory referral to the Student Assistance Counselor (SAC). The 60 calendar days begin immediately (whether in-season or out-of-season) and/or, if indicated, as of the date of notification of a positive drug screen. The 60 calendar days may carry over into the next season, i.e. from fall to winter. The penalty may be reduced to 30 calendar days if the student follows the intervention plan recommendations of the SAC. The reduced 30 calendar day option begins upon completion of a meeting with the athlete/club member, the SAC, and the SECA/designee.
For a second offense, the “30-day” option is not applicable, and the 60 calendar day suspension from team participation will be imposed. For a third offense, the student will not be eligible to participate in any athletics/clubs for the remainder of the student’s high school career.
In addition, a student may be subject to school discipline and dismissed from a team/club for conduct that occurs outside of school and off school grounds when: (1) such conduct threatens the physical or emotional safety, security and well-being of the student, other students, staff or school grounds; and (2) the conduct materially and substantially interferes with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school or District.
Suspension for causes other than above, are at the discretion of the coach/advisor. Suspensions in excess of one week require consultation with the SECA. Parent notification is required in all cases of suspension. Discipline referrals and school suspensions are justification for suspension or removal from a team/club activity.
Spectator Code of Conduct
Board of Education Policy #9160 - Public Attendance at School Events
The Board of Education welcomes the attendance of members of the community at athletic and other public events held by the schools of the district and acknowledges its duty to maintain order and preserve the facilities of the district during the conduct of such events.
The Board may bar the attendance of any person at a school event whose conduct constitutes a disruption. The Board prohibits the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages at any function sponsored by the district, and further, prohibits wagering on school premises.
Board of Education Policy # 9161 – Crowd Control
The Board of Education believes in order to achieve its goals for interscholastic competition, that the student body and the general public attending an interscholastic event conduct themselves in such a manner as to make a positive contribution toward the educational objectives of this district.
The Board directs the Superintendent to prepare regulations for pupil and public behavior at interscholastic events and to publicly post such regulations and to devise procedures for the control of crowds.
The Board authorizes school officials to have expelled from any district event by the law enforcement officers on duty, any spectator who willfully violates the rules and regulations of the district or whose behavior jeopardizes the safe conduct of the event. Further, any spectator involved in continual violations of the rules and regulations shall be prohibited from attending further school events.
As per District Regulation #9161 – Crowd Control, all spectators must follow the rules listed below:
Spectator Rules
All spectators at a school sponsored event are expected to know and observe the following rules. A spectator who violates any of these rules may be evicted from the event. Persistent disregard of these rules may cause a spectator to be barred from future events.
Spectators must:
- Conduct themselves with decorum and with respect for the rights and property of others at all times, at the school event and while traveling to and from the school event;
- Respect and obey those in authority--school officials and police--and the persons assigned by the school to act for those in authority;
- Respect the efforts of the pupils involved in the event, for whom the event may mark the culmination of many hours of preparation and hard work;
- Respect the seating arrangements provided by the school and remain seated in assigned seats during the event;
- Respond enthusiastically to pupil efforts and accomplishments by cheering and applauding and refrain from boos, disrespectful remarks, and other loud negative expressions;
- Stay off the stage, arena, or athletic playing area on which pupils are performing or competing;
- Respect the property of the school by causing no litter and leaving the premises as clean as they were found; make proper use of lavatory facilities and food and drink concessions;
- Not bring and/or consume alcoholic beverages or narcotics or drugs of any kind on school premises and must stay away from school premises if under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- Use no tobacco product in a school building or in any place on school premises in which smoking is prohibited;
- Park as directed, obey traffic rules, and drive with extreme care on school property; and
- Out of concern for the comfort and safety of all spectators and respect for the efforts of performing or competing pupils, report any violation of these rules to a person in authority.