Social Media Terms of Use:
Below are the official social media accounts of the Freehold Regional High School District in Englishtown, NJ. Posts and other content added by district administrators are official Freehold Regional High School District information.
Comments are welcome, but endorsements and personal or company promotions are not permitted. By using or accessing the social media accounts of the Freehold Regional High School District, you agree to comply with each platforms' Terms and Conditions. Freehold Regional reserves the right to remove any content that violates these terms. Freehold Regional also reserves the right to remove or ban any user for comments that violate our Terms of Use. Personal attacks, hate speech, profanity, advertising of outside services and comments that are not related to the original post may be deleted. Users are encouraged to report content that violates Terms and Conditions by using the corresponding platform's procedure. Opinions expressed by outside users on the social media pages of the Freehold Regional High School District do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Freehold Regional High School District.
District Verified Social Media Accounts:
Latest FRHSD News
Office of Communications and District Projects
Mrs. Rebecca Policastro
Communications and District Projects Coordinator
Submit request for coverage
MaIling List signup Gold Passports
Residents of our sending communities over the age of 62 are invited to submit an application for a Gold Passport. The Gold Passport grants you free admission to school-sponsored events at all six FRHSD schools.
Recent Communication Awards